



[Withdrawing question: the issue arose from not escaping values submitted in web form. The ASP script removed unescaped spaces thereby causing the problem.]

In a web page I am attempting to conduct a search against a table in MS SQL Server using VBScript. The search uses a LIKE clause (with wildcards). The search works fine if the input has no spaces in it. However, if there is a space in the input, the search returns nothing.

For example, if I search for IT Department I get nothing, but if I search for Department I get IT Department. Somehow, the space between IT and Department is causing trouble. If I run the script directly against the server using SQL Server Management Studio, the search using IT Department returns the proper results.

Also, if I don't use SQL placeholder parameters but instead put in search string directly, the search works.

It is only in the case where the search string contains a space and uses placeholders where the search fails.

Here is the code I am using:

Dim oCmd, OffDescParam, description, query
description = "IT Department"
Set oCmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")

OffDescParam = "%" & description & "%"
Set objOffDescParam = _
  oCmd.CreateParameter("@offdesc", adChar, adParamInput, Len(OffDescParam), OffDescParam)

query = "SELECT OfficialDescription " & _
        "FROM [MyDatabase].[dbo].[Organizations] " & _
        "WHERE (OfficialDescription LIKE ?)" & _
        "ORDER BY OfficialDescription"
' If I use "WHERE (OfficialDescription LIKE '%IT Department%')" it works.

oCmd.ActiveConnection = "some/connection/string"
oCmd.ActiveConnection.CursorLocation = adUseClient
oCmd.CommandType = adCmdText
oCmd.CommandText = query

oCmd.Parameters.Append objOffDescParam
oCmd.Prepared = True
Set oRst = CopyRecordSet(oCmd.Execute)

Doesn't it need to be...

"WHERE (OfficialDescription LIKE '?')" & _
No. The placeholder (parameter) gets replaced with the properly quoted string. See

Your code works for me (well actually I got an error on the CopyRecordSet line but I suspect that is just something to do with my vbscript/ado version)

In Profiler I saw the following

declare @p1 int
set @p1=1
exec sp_prepexec @p1 output,N'@P1 char(15)',N'SELECT blah FROM [test].[dbo].[mytable] WHERE (mycol LIKE @P1)ORDER BY mycol','%IT Department%'
select @p1

When I ran this directly in Management Studio

declare @p1 int
exec sp_prepexec @p1 output,N'@P1 char(15)',N'SELECT blah FROM [test].[dbo].[mytable] WHERE (mycol LIKE @P1)ORDER BY mycol','%IT Department%'
select @p1

I got back results. Maybe try using profiler your end to see if all is as expected.

Martin Smith

Two things you could try, tho it looks like you're doing it correctly:

  • ADO or SQL Server can occasionally behave in a surprising way when you use adChar. Try using adVarChar instead.
  • VB's Len function sometimes returns the number of bytes (though for a string, it shouldn't.) Try manually calculating the length of the string and passing that to CreateParameter.
I tried `adVarChar` with the same results. I am not sure what you meant by calculate the length of the string manually. What way is there to calculate the length of a string in VB other than with `Len`?
@rlandster: You could pass `15` instead of `Len(OffDescParam)`. It's a long shot, since you're clearly passing a string

what is the field's data type?
