When I set up auto response in qmailadmin for an account. The auto response email is sent but just after the auto response message, there is a sort of stack trace and headers of the original message:
like :
Received: (qmail 903 invoked by uid 508); 12 Jul 2010 20:23:55 -0000
Received: blabla
Received: (qmail 914 invoked from network); 12 Jul 2010 20:31:44 -0000
Received: from blabla (ip)
somemore trace like DKIM-Signature, etc...
*original message headers*
*original message content*
Is there a way to not have all this junk in the body of the email ? My users are not very happy with it... (It used to work well in the past, and I didn't change any thing recently)
If you have an idea of what happens, you are answers are welcome !
thanks !