




Alright, I'm in the process of making a C# application that uses an API from a website, and they use OAuth. I'm super new to OAuth, so how can I go about making a proper request. What stuff should I have in my query string. Are there any HTTP Headers that I would need to have set?



All requests will need to have the oauth_consumerkey, oauth_token, oauth_version, oauth_nonce, oauth_timestamp, oauth_signature_method, and oauth_signature added either to the querystring (for HTTP GET), form fields (for HTTP POST), or to an authorization header.

Unless you are coding to learn, you should consider implementing a pre-made library for the API. Twitterizer, for the twitter api, for example.

If you're interested, I released a small package to assist developers when creating OAuth. It will handle request signing behind the scenes. It's available on the Twitterizer Downloads page as "Standalone OAuth library".

Ricky Smith
Alright, I'm taking a look at your OAUth Library, and it looks really good. Could you help me set it up to make a basic OAuth request and authorization?