I'm building a server application that needs to perform a lot of http requests to a couple other servers on an ongoing basis. Currently, I'm basically setting up about 30 threads and continuously running HttpWebRequests synchronously on each thread, achieving a throughput of about 30 requests per second.
I am indeed setting the ServicePoint ConnectionLimit in the app.config so that's not the limiting factor.
I need to scale this up drastically. At the very least I'll need some more CPU horse power, but I'm wondering if I would gain any advantages by using the async methods of the HttpWebRequest object (eg: .BeginGetResponse() ) as opposed to creating threads myself and using the synchronous methods (eg: .GetResponse() ) on these threads.
If I go with the async methods, I obviously have to significantly redesign my app, so I'm wondering if anyone might have some insight before I go and recode everything, in case I'm out to lunch.