



Please help, solving an issue between PHP WebService/C# Client.

PHP WebService/C# Client - Fiddler has detected a protocol violation in session. Content-Length mismatch: Response Header claimed 292 bytes, but server sent 293 bytes.

It errors on each call to the webservice due to the response size it returns. I have access to the both the webservice (

When I add a product with the following code (I realise password is showing, this is okay, as it is a demo database).

VM_Categories_ws.VM_Categories proxy = new VM_Categories_ws.VM_Categories();

VM_Categories_ws.loginInfo logindetails = new VM_Categories_ws.loginInfo();
logindetails.login = "admin";
logindetails.password = "password";

VM_Categories_ws.AddCategoryInput categoryInput = new VM_Categories_ws.AddCategoryInput(); "13";
category.description = "test";
category.category_flypage = null;
category.category_browsepage = "browse_1";
category.category_publish = "Y";

categoryInput.loginInfo = logindetails;
categoryInput.category = category;

I have access to both the webservice and C# client, but can't get them to work together.

Any help would be much appreciated.