How to represent the following data in XML format?
commandA ( a | b | c )
position = pos [(m | n | o )]
[space = space] [(m|n|o)]
[option2 = "Hello"]
Note: [ ] --> denotes optional,
( ) --> denotes mandatory
| --> denotes anyone of the value
commandA a position = 1.0<m> space = 2.0<n> option1 option2="Hello"
How to effectively represent this data in xml?
I tried something like this,
<command name="commandA" position = "position" >
<option name="option1"/>
<option name="option2" value = "Hello"/>
<option name="option3"/>
But how to handle the command value i.e a|b|c
and position i.e m|n|o
EDIT: Command: Syntax:
commandA (a|b|c) pos=0[w|x|y|z] [spa=0.0[w|x|y|z]] [str="Hello"]
commandA a pos=0w spa=0.0z str="Hello"
I tried something like this,
<command name="commandA">
<direction name="a"/>
<direction name="b">
<direction name="c"/>
<position value="pos=0" />
<spacing value="spa=0.0" />
<option name="w"/>
<option name="x"/>
<option name="y"/>
<option name="z"/>
<string value="str=" />
Any suggestions on this?