



I have a customized ImageView that works fine in one application. I've transplanted it to another application and am getting a null pointer exception prior to either my activity's onCreate() method or my customized ImageView's constructor being invoked. So far, I am unable to determine why it works in one app and not in another. Eclipse is happy with my layout file in the broken app, and since it appears to die before reaching any of my Java code, I don't know how to chase this down.

Anyone know what my problem might be? Any debugging tips for this kind of problem?

Here's the stack trace.

ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread$ActivityRecord, Intent) line: 2417
ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread$ActivityRecord, Intent) line: 2512
ActivityThread.access$2200(ActivityThread, ActivityThread$ActivityRecord, Intent) line: 119 ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(Message) line: 1863
ActivityThread$H(Handler).dispatchMessage(Message) line: 99 Looper.loop() line: 123 ActivityThread.main(String[]) line: 4363
Method.invokeNative(Object, Object[], Class, Class[], Class, int, boolean) line: not available [native method]
Method.invoke(Object, Object...) line: 521
ZygoteInit$ line: 860
ZygoteInit.main(String[]) line: 618 NativeStart.main(String[]) line: not available [native method]

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