Hi, I need to see the queries that are being sent to Oracle to execute them. Can someone give me specific detailed instructions on how to do this ?
This query will show queries that are currently running:
select sql_text from v$sqlarea where users_executing > 0;
Tony Andrews
2010-07-13 14:23:56
If you want to see the queries from a specific user, you can use this (assuming you have privileges to query v$session
and v$sqlarea
(usually through SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE
SELECT sess.sid,
FROM v$sqlarea sqla, v$session sess
WHERE sess.sql_hash_value = sqla.hash_value
AND sess.sql_address = sqla.address
AND sess.username = 'SCOTT'
Replace SCOTT with the appropriate username in your system
544 SCOTT ALL_ROWS 2004330732 07000001064088E8 89391 131836 SELECT sess.sid, sess.username,
sqla.optimizer_mode, sqla.h
ash_value, sqla.address, s
qla.cpu_time, sqla.elapsed_time,
sqla.sql_text FROM v$sqlarea sq
la, v$session sess WHERE sess.sql_hash_
value = sqla.hash_value AND sess.sql_
address = sqla.address AND sess.usern
ame = 'SCOTT'
2010-07-13 14:23:56
Excellent, can you give me an example output of that query ? Because I dont have privileges, I asked for the DBA team to give me the output and they basically gave me something that is more like the exectution plan of the query, which is not what I want. Paste a sample output please, so I can know whether demanding permissions would be helpful for me or not
2010-07-13 14:31:16
I have a database where I am full admin, but it says v$session does not exist. How do I solve this ?
2010-07-13 14:37:56
By full admin do you mean you have the DBA role and are executing the query as the user with this role? If not, then login as SYS and execute GRANT SELECT ON v$session TO <your user>; GRANT SELECT ON v$sqlarea TO <your user>.
2010-07-13 15:00:51