Here is my own solution. Just set the Column type to LagerStatusColumn and it gets the job done.
public class LagerStatusColumn : DataGridViewColumn
public LagerStatusColumn()
CellTemplate =
new LagerStatusCell();
ReadOnly = true;
public class LagerStatusCell : DataGridViewTextBoxCell
protected override void Paint(System.Drawing.Graphics graphics, System.Drawing.Rectangle clipBounds, System.Drawing.Rectangle cellBounds, int rowIndex, DataGridViewElementStates cellState, object value, object formattedValue, string errorText, DataGridViewCellStyle cellStyle, DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle advancedBorderStyle, DataGridViewPaintParts paintParts)
base.Paint(graphics, clipBounds, cellBounds, rowIndex, cellState, value, "", errorText, cellStyle,
advancedBorderStyle, paintParts);
var cellValue = Convert.IsDBNull(value) ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(value);
const int horizontaloffset = 2;
var parent = (LagerStatusColumn)this.OwningColumn;
var fnt = parent.InheritedStyle.Font;
var icon = Properties.Resources.lager;
if (cellValue == 0)
icon =;
else if (cellValue < 0)
icon = Properties.Resources.question_white;
const int vertoffset = 0;
graphics.DrawIcon(icon, cellBounds.X + horizontaloffset,
cellBounds.Y + vertoffset);
var cellText = formattedValue.ToString();
var textSize =
graphics.MeasureString(cellText, fnt);
// Calculate the correct color:
var textColor = parent.InheritedStyle.ForeColor;
if ((cellState &
DataGridViewElementStates.Selected) ==
textColor = parent.InheritedStyle.
// Draw the text:
using (var brush = new SolidBrush(textColor))
graphics.DrawString(cellText, fnt, brush,
cellBounds.X + icon.Width + 2,
cellBounds.Y + 0);