I answered a similar question a few days ago: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3211505/detect-pasted-text-with-ctrlv-or-right-click-paste/3212056#3212056. This time I've included quite a long function that accurately gets selection boundaries in textarea in IE; the rest is relatively simple.
You can use the paste event to detect the paste in most browsers (notably not Firefox 2 though). When you handle the paste event, record the current selection, and then set a brief timer that calls a function after the paste has completed. This function can then compare lengths to know where to look for the pasted content. Something like the following:
function getSelectionBoundary(el, start) {
var property = start ? "selectionStart" : "selectionEnd";
var originalValue, textInputRange, precedingRange, pos, bookmark, isAtEnd;
if (typeof el[property] == "number") {
return el[property];
} else if (document.selection && document.selection.createRange) {
var range = document.selection.createRange();
if (range) {
// Collapse the selected range if the selection is not a caret
if (document.selection.type == "Text") {
originalValue = el.value;
textInputRange = el.createTextRange();
precedingRange = el.createTextRange();
pos = 0;
bookmark = range.getBookmark();
if (/[\r\n]/.test(originalValue)) {
// Trickier case where input value contains line breaks
// Test whether the selection range is at the end of the
// text input by moving it on by one character and
// checking if it's still within the text input.
try {
range.move("character", 1);
isAtEnd = (range.parentElement() != el);
} catch (ex) {
log.warn("Error moving range", ex);
isAtEnd = true;
if (isAtEnd) {
pos = originalValue.length;
} else {
// Insert a character in the text input range and use
// that as a marker
textInputRange.text = " ";
precedingRange.setEndPoint("EndToStart", textInputRange);
pos = precedingRange.text.length - 1;
// Delete the inserted character
textInputRange.moveStart("character", -1);
textInputRange.text = "";
} else {
// Easier case where input value contains no line breaks
precedingRange.setEndPoint("EndToStart", textInputRange);
pos = precedingRange.text.length;
return pos;
return 0;
function getTextAreaSelection(textarea) {
var start = getSelectionBoundary(textarea, true),
end = getSelectionBoundary(textarea, false);
return {
start: start,
end: end,
length: end - start,
text: textarea.value.slice(start, end)
function detectPaste(textarea, callback) {
textarea.onpaste = function() {
var sel = getTextAreaSelection(textarea);
var initialLength = textarea.value.length;
window.setTimeout(function() {
var val = textarea.value;
var pastedTextLength = val.length - (initialLength - sel.length);
var end = sel.start + pastedTextLength;
start: sel.start,
end: end,
length: pastedTextLength,
text: val.slice(sel.start, end),
replacedText: sel.text
}, 1);
window.onload = function() {
var textarea = document.getElementById("your_textarea");
detectPaste(textarea, function(pasteInfo) {
var val = textarea.value;
// Delete the pasted text and restore any previously selected text
textarea.value = val.slice(0, pasteInfo.start) +
pasteInfo.replacedText + val.slice(pasteInfo.end);