



We are currently working in a private Beta and so are still in the process of making fairly rapid changes, although obviously as usage is starting to ramp up, we will be slowing down this process. That being said, one issue we are running into is that after we push out an update with new JavaScript files, the client browsers still use the cached version of the file and they do not see the update. Obviously, on a support call, we can simply inform them to do a ctrl-F5 refresh to ensure that they get the up-to-date files from the server, but it would be preferable to handle this before that time.

Our current thought is to simply attach a version number onto the name of the JavaScript files and then when changes are made, increment the version on the script and update all references. This definitely gets the job done, but updating the references on each release could get cumbersome.

As I'm sure we're not the first ones to deal with this, I figured I would throw it out to the community. How are you ensuring clients update their cache when you update your code? If you're using the method described above, are you using a process that simplifies the change?


+19  A: 

As far as I know a common solution is to add a ?<version> to the script src link.

For instance:

<script type="text/javascript" src="myfile.js?1500"></script>

I assume at this point that there isn't a better way than find-replace to increment these "version numbers" in all of the script tags?

You might have a version control system do that for you? Most version control systems have a way to automatically inject the revision number on check-in for instance.

It would look something like this:

<script type="text/javascript" src="myfile.js?$$REVISION$$"></script>

Of course, there are always better solutions like this one.


Change the name of the script each push

+1  A: 


My colleague just found a reference to that method right after I posted (in reference to css) at Good to see that others are using it and it seems to work. I assume at this point that there isn't a better way than find-replace to increment these "version numbers" in all of the script tags?


One solution is to append a query string with a timestamp in it to the URL when fetching the resource. This takes advantage of the fact that a browser will not cache resources fetched from URLs with query strings in them.

You probably don't want the browser not to cache these resources at all though; it's more likely that you want them cached, but you want the browser to fetch a new version of the file when it is made available.

The most common solution seems to be to embed a timestamp or revision number in the file name itself. This is a little more work, because your code needs to be modified to request the correct files, but it means that, e.g. version 7 of your snazzy_javascript_file.js (i.e. snazzy_javascript_file_7.js) is cached on the browser until you release version 8, and then your code changes to fetch snazzy_javascript_file_8.js instead.

Richard Turner
+1  A: 

Simplest solution? Don't let the browser cache at all. Append the current time (in ms) as a query.

(You are still in beta, so you could make a reasonable case for not optimizing for performance. But YMMV here.)

IMHO this is a poor solution. What if you are not in BETA and you push out an important update?

If you're generating the page that links to the JS files a simple solution is appending the file's last modification timestamp to the generated links.

This is very similar to Huppie's answer, but works in version control systems without keyword substitution. It's also better than append the current time, since that would prevent caching even when the file didn't change at all.


Appending the current time to the URL is indeed a common solution. However, you can also manage this at the web server level, if you want to. The server can be configured to send different HTTP headers for javascript files.

For example, to force the file to be cached for no longer than 1 day, you would send:

Cache-Control: max-age=86400, must-revalidate

For beta, if you want to force the user to always get the latest, you would use:

Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate
Chase Seibert
+1  A: 

Not all browsers cache files with '?' in it. What I did to make sure it was cached as much as possible, I included the version in the filename.

So instead of stuff.js?123, I did stuff_123.js

I used mod_redirect(I think) in apache to to have stuff_*.js to go stuff.js


The advantage of using a file.js?V=1 over a fileV1.js is that you do not need to store multiple versions of the JavaScript files on the server.

The trouble I see with file.js?V=1 is that you may have dependant code in another JavaScript file that breaks when using the new version of the library utilities.

For the sake of backwards compatibility, I think it is much better to use jQuery.1.3.js for your new pages and let existing pages use jQuery.1.1.js, until you are ready to upgrade the older pages, if necessary.