Why are the split lists always empty in this program? (It is derived from the code on the Wikipedia page on Linked Lists.)
Example program from wikipedia linked list article
Modified to find nth node and to split the list
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct ns
int data;
struct ns *next; /* pointer to next element in list */
} node;
node *list_add(node **p, int i)
node *n = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node));
if (n == NULL)
return NULL;
n->next = *p; //* the previous element (*p) now becomes the "next" element */
*p = n; //* add new empty element to the front (head) of the list */
n->data = i;
return *p;
void list_print(node *n)
int i=0;
if (n == NULL)
printf("list is empty\n");
while (n != NULL)
printf("Value at node #%d = %d\n", i, n->data);
n = n->next;
node *list_nth(node *head, int index) {
node *current = head;
node *temp=NULL;
int count = 0; // the index of the node we're currently looking at
while (current != NULL) {
if (count == index)
temp = current;
current = current->next;
return temp;
This function is to split a linked list:
Return a list with nodes starting from index 'int ind' and
step the index by 'int step' until the end of list.
node *list_split(node *head, int ind, int step) {
node *current = head;
node *temp=NULL;
int count = ind; // the index of the node we're currently looking at
temp = list_nth(current, ind);
while (current != NULL) {
count = count+step;
temp->next = list_nth(head, count);
current = current->next;
return temp; /* return the final stepped list */
int main(void)
node *n = NULL, *list1=NULL, *list2=NULL, *list3=NULL, *list4=NULL;
int i;
/* List with 30 nodes */
list_add(&n, i);
/* Get 1th, 5th, 9th, 13th, 18th ... nodes of n etc */
list1 = list_split(n, 1, 4);
list2 = list_split(n, 2, 4); /* 2, 6, 10, 14 etc */
list3 = list_split(n, 3, 4); /* 3, 7, 11, 15 etc */
list3 = list_split(n, 4, 4); /* 4, 8, 12, 16 etc */
return 0;