I want to implement ThreeColumnLayout for my web-app. E.g. having NavigationComponent, BookmarkComponent in Left Panel, OnlineUserComponent in Right Panel.
There are also some more components, which can be made visual/hidden by User dynamically and User can move components here and there. E.g. from Left Panel to Right Panel and/or change the vertical order of components.
But I think Spring MVC does not have support for this out-of-box. I don't want to "intercept" each and every ModelAndView (one that is passed to HandlerInterceptor#postHandle() method) to add my components related modelAttribute and other objects (it looks ugly).
I Googled bit and two names were coined: Tiles and SiteMesh. I have not used any of these yet! So my question is: "Which one works better with Spring MVC 3 and fulfills my requirements (mentioned above)?"
Is there any other (Spring MVC 3 compatible) decoration technology?
I'm using JSP as view.