We have several web applications that create a shopping cart, save it to a database, then redirect to a centralized web application to process and accept payment for the shopping cart. Right now, we are using GUIDs for the shopping cart IDs and passing those GUIDs in the querystring to the payment application. We are using GUIDs so that a user cannot easily guess the shopping cart ID of another user and simply plug that ID into the URL.
Now, using GUIDs in the database is bad for indexing and using GUIDs in the URL does not truly prevent a user from accessing another cart. However, using passing integers around would make it too easy.
What is the best and most secure way to pass the IDs from the individual applications to the centralized payment application?
I know that some people may say, "Who cares if someone else wants to pay for someone else's shopping cart?" However, we have the same concern when passing IDs to the page that displays the receipt and that page includes the customer's name.