I have a border element with rounded corners containing a 3x3 grid. The corners of the grid are sticking out of the border. How can I fix that? I tried using ClipToBounds but didn't get anywhere. Thanks for your help
Make the grid smaller or the border larger. So that the border element completely contains the grid.
Alternatively see if you can make the grid's background transparent, so that the "sticking out" isn't noticeable.
Update: Oops, didn't notice this was a WPF question. I'm not familiar with that. This was general HTML/CSS advice. Maybe it helps...
2008-11-27 21:06:59
But you are right that a logical answer, and it work in many situations in WPF also.
Jobi Joy
2008-11-27 21:11:31
Here are the highlights of this thread mentioned by Jobi
- None of the decorators (i.e. Border) or layout panels (i.e. Stackpanel) come with this behavior out-of-the-box.
- ClipToBounds is for layout. ClipToBounds does not prevent an element from drawing outside its bounds; it just prevents children's layouts from 'spilling'. Additionally ClipToBounds=True is not needed for most elements because their implementations dont allow their content's layout to spill anyway. The most notable exception is Canvas.
- Finally Border considers the rounded corners to be drawings inside the bounds of its layout.
Here is an implementation of a class that inherits from Border and implements the proper functionality:
/// <Remarks>
/// As a side effect ClippingBorder will surpress any databinding or animation of
/// its childs UIElement.Clip property until the child is removed from ClippingBorder
/// </Remarks>
public class ClippingBorder : Border {
protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext dc) {
public override UIElement Child
return base.Child;
if (this.Child != value)
if(this.Child != null)
// Restore original clipping
this.Child.SetValue(UIElement.ClipProperty, _oldClip);
if(value != null)
_oldClip = value.ReadLocalValue(UIElement.ClipProperty);
// If we dont set it to null we could leak a Geometry object
_oldClip = null;
base.Child = value;
protected virtual void OnApplyChildClip()
UIElement child = this.Child;
if(child != null)
_clipRect.RadiusX = _clipRect.RadiusY = Math.Max(0.0, this.CornerRadius.TopLeft - (this.BorderThickness.Left * 0.5));
_clipRect.Rect = new Rect(Child.RenderSize);
child.Clip = _clipRect;
private RectangleGeometry _clipRect = new RectangleGeometry();
private object _oldClip;
2008-11-28 02:58:04