Its broken into lines because each arrayWithObjects:
adds a new question (its a quiz game).
But how come when its NSLogged it only displays the last arrayWithObjects:
line. Is it overwriting the others or something?
-(void)loadQuizFromArrays{ //ALL QUESTION DATA GOES HERE
/*theQuiz = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"question",@"possibleAnswer1",@"possibleAnswer2",@"possibleAnswer3",@"possibleAnswer4",@"correctAnswersNumber",nil];*/
theQuiz = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:@"Which is NOT a StarWars movie?",@"Attack of the Jedi",@"A New Hope",@"The Phantom Menace",@"Attack of the Clones",@"1", nil];
theQuiz = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:@"In what state is the majority of Yellow Stone National Park in?",@"Ohio",@"California",@"Wyoming",@"Nebraska",@"3",nil];
theQuiz = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:@"In the US, what household pet is the most common?",@"Cats",@"Dogs",@"Hamsters",@"Komodo Dragons",@"2",nil];
theQuiz = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:@"A plane is traveling 2675 miles every 5 hours. How many miles does the plane travel in 1 hour?",@"535",@"325",@"540",@"420",@"1",nil];