with member [Measures].[BoughtDispenser] as
Sum(Descendants([Customer].[Customer].CurrentMember, [Customer].[Customer]),
(IsEmpty(([Item].[ItemNumber].&[011074], [Measures].[Sale Amount]))
And IsEmpty(([Item].[ItemNumber].&[011069], [Measures].[Sale Amount]))
Or IsEmpty([Measures].[Sale Amount]),
0 , 1
{[Measures].[Sale Amount]} on columns,
non empty filter([Customer].[Customer].children, [Measures].[BoughtDispenser])
* {[Item].[ItemNumber].members}
on rows
from [Sales]
where [EnteredDate].[Quarter].&[2010-01-01T00:00:00]
The object is to show all the items purchased by customers who also bought either of the two dispensers (011069 and 011074).
I based the calculated member on a query I found to do basket analysis. I feel like there should be a way to write it with the set {[Item].[ItemNumber].&[011074], [Item].[ItemNumber].&[011069]} instead of the two IsEmpty tests. Everything I've tried ended up having every Customer in the result.
My environment is SQL Server Analysis Services 2005.