



Hello folks,

I'm just starting to get a hang of this jQuery thing, so bear with me.

Essentially what I've got going on is a list of items with classes like "politicians" "entrepreuners" etc that define the people in this list.

The goal being, that I can attach tabs on the top of the list that will filter the results of the list.

I understand I can use .filter() to find the list items with the class "politician" attached to it. But how do I hide (or attach display:none;, either or) to the list items that don't have the class 'politician'?

As I said, I'm quite new to this, so if you can be specific, that'd be great!

Thanks again!


EDIT: Here is the code as of now:

        $('#people li :not(.politician)').hide();
+4  A: 

Try something like this:

$("#politician_filter").click( function( event ){
    $('ul#people li:not(.politician)').hide();

Edit: removed space between li and :not.

Here's a working fiddle.

Ken Redler
Hi ken,Thanks. As of now it's not working, I'm going to post the full code at the bottom of the post abouve. Probably flubbing something up.
Judson Collier
What is #politician_filter? A link?
Ken Redler
yes. it's an <a> tag that I'm clicking to filter these results.
Judson Collier
+1  A: 

This hides all li elements and then shows all the lis with .politician class.

    $("#people li").hide().filter(".politician").show();
    return false; //since you're using a link, disable default action
This worked like a charm! Thanks!
Judson Collier