(please read the update section below, I leave the original question too for clarity)
I am inserting many files into a SQL Server db configured for filestream.
I am inserting in a loop the files from a folder to a database table.
Everything goes fine until I try to insert a 600 MB file.
As it inserts it there is a +600MB memory usage in task manager and I have the error.
The DB size is < 1 GB and the total size of documents is 8 GB, I am using SQL Server Express R2, and according to the documentation I could have problems only if trying to insert a document that is greater than 10 GB (Express limitation) - Current DB Size.
Can anyone tell me why do I have this error? It is very crucial for me.
I offered 150 because it is very crucial for me!
This seems to be a limitation of Delphi memory Manager, trying to insert a document bigger than 500MB, I didn't check the exact threshold anyway it is between 500 and 600MB). I use SDAC components, in particular a TMSQuery (but I think the same can be done with and TDataset descendant), to insert the document in a table that has a PK (ID_DOC_FILE) and a varbinary(max) field (DOCUMENT) I do:
procedure UploadBigFile;
sFilePath: String;
sFilePath := 'D:\Test\VeryBigFile.dat';
sqlInsertDoc.ParamByName('ID_DOC_FILE').AsInteger := 1;
sqlInsertDoc.ParamByName('DOCUMENT').LoadFromFile(sFilePath, ftblob);
SDAC team told me this is a limitation of Delphi memory manager. Now since SDAC doesn't support filestream I cannot do what has been suggested in c# in the first answer. Is the only solution reporting to Embarcadero and ask a bug fix?
Thanks, really, to all you that answered me. For sure inserting big blobs can be a problem for the Express Edition (because the limitations of 1 GB of ram), anyway I had the error on the Enterprise edition, and it was a "delphi" error, not a sql server one. So I think that the answer that I accepted really hits the problem, even if I have no time to verify it now.