




I'm using MvcContrib's test helpers and Rhino Mocks 3.5 to test an ASP.NET MVC action method. I build my fake controller like so:

var _builder = new TestControllerBuilder();

So I get a fake controller that contains fake HTTP Server etc.

I'm then trying to stub the Server.MapPath method like so

controller.Server.Stub(x => x.MapPath(Arg<string>.Is.Anything)).Return("/APP_DATA/Files/");

but in my method under test the call to Server.MapPath("/APP_DATA/Files/") returns null.

This is the test

    const string STOCK_NUMBER_ID = "1";
    const string FULL_FILE_PATH = "App-Data/Files";

    var controller = CreateStockController();
    _uploadedFileTransformer.Stub(x => x.ImageBytes).Return(new byte[10]);
    _uploadedFileTransformer.Stub(x => x.ConvertFileToBytes(FULL_FILE_PATH)).Return(true);

    controller.Server.Stub(x => x.MapPath(Arg<string>.Is.Anything)).Return("/App_Data/Files/");

    controller.AddImage(Guid.NewGuid(), STOCK_NUMBER_ID);

What I am missing?


Looks like this is a bug in MVCContrib (at least with what I have on my machine -- v1.0.0.0). When setting up the controller context, it's using Rhino.Mocks record/replay mode, but (and this is the bug), it doesn't put the HttpServer mock into replay mode. It puts everything else in replay mode but not that one.

So a quick fix is to do:


As part of your "arrange" section of your test. Then it works fine.

Patrick Steele
Patrick, I tried what you suggested, I added controller.Server.Replay() but I still have the same problem. I'm using MvcContrib v2.0.36.0 with MVC2. I seem to have ages on this problem so in the end I added a HTTPServerUtilityBase parameter to my action method and created a custom model binder which provides me with a Server object. Then in my test I created my own stub of HttpServerUtilityBase and stubbed out the MapPath method. Its all working nicely but I would have preferred that the TestHelper provide me with the correct stub in the first place.
Simon Lomax
Ok. The sample project I tried it on was MVC1. Looks like the bug still exists in MVC2. Should be easy to fork the code from CodePlex, fix and submit. Glad you got it working!
Patrick Steele