Hi. I'm trying to add a jQuery UI modal dialog to show when a function starts, which says "Please wait". Then have it close when the function is done. I've tried the following:
function flashFallback(){
/* Other code goes here...
I know the function runs successfully but the dialog never closes. I also tried "close" instead of "destroy" with no luck. Help!
UPDATE: Here's the full function:
function flashFallback(){
var el = "";
var vidFileName = "";
var posterPath = "";
var videoTag = "";
var boxId = "";
var so = "";
var flashId = "";
var flashVars = "";
var params = "";
var attributes = "";
var anchorId = "";
var dotPosition = "";
el = "";
vidFileName = "";
posterPath = "";
videoTag = "";
flashId = "";
flashVars = "";
params = "";
attributes = "";
anchorId = "";
el = $(this);
boxId = this.id + "_flashBox";
flashId = this.id + "_flashPlayer";
anchorId = this.id + "_anchor";
if ($(this).attr("src").indexOf("m4v") != -1 ||
$(this).attr("src").indexOf("mp4") != -1){
vidFileName = $(this).attr("src").substring($(this).attr("src").lastIndexOf("/")+1);
IE uses the Flash player, which overlays a 'Play' button
on the poster image by default; so we use a poster image
that doesn't have a play button. Otherwise we'd end up
with a play button on top of a play button.
dotPosition = el.parent().find("img").attr("src").lastIndexOf(".");
posterPath = el.parent().find("img").attr("src").substring(0,dotPosition) + "-ie" + el.parent().find("img").attr("src").substring(dotPosition);
el = $("[id="+boxId+"]");
el.append("<a id='" + anchorId +"'></a>");
flashvars =
file: vidFileName,
autostart: 'false',
image: posterPath
params =
allowfullscreen: 'true',
allowscriptaccess: 'always',
wmode: 'opaque',
attributes =
id: flashId,
name: flashId
swfobject.embedSWF('global/vid/player-licensed.swf', anchorId, '372', '209', '9.0.124', 'global/js/swfobject/expressInstall.swf', flashvars, params, attributes);