I've divided my GWT app into multiple modules, what's the best way to navigate between them?
Currently I'm using Window.Location.assign("foo.html#bar")
but is there a better way?
I've divided my GWT app into multiple modules, what's the best way to navigate between them?
Currently I'm using Window.Location.assign("foo.html#bar")
but is there a better way?
History.newItem( "bar" )
has the same effect, and you don't even need to know the URL.
only works for history within the current module. To change to another page I think the best way is to use Window.Location.assign
I don't fully remember the issue (and perhaps it has been fixed now), but in our application we stopped using relative URLs as they would sometimes break (we have a comment referencing http://groups.google.com/group/Google-Web-Toolkit/browse_thread/thread/f79e7d5e002b48f6).
To this end we had a method that did the following:
public void goToRelativePage(final String relativeURL) {
Window.Location.assign(GWT.getHostPageBaseURL() + relativeURL);