I've been working on this for some time, but can't seem to find an adequate solution yet.
The page is XHTML with inline SVG which is animated with ECMAscript once the SVG is finished loading. There is a 0.5s pause, then an eye in the middle opens. It works on Safari, Firefox, and Chrome on MacOS X.
The problem is in Chrome on Windows the animation doesn't start, and in Opera (on OS X) the animation behaves erratically.
What is going on?!
You can see it live at this page. I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Here are the most relevant bits of code:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" version="1.1"
viewBox="0 0 1200 800"
style="width:100%; height:100%; position:absolute; top:0; left:0; z-index:2;"
function startup(evt){
function doEyeOpen(dur,msrate) {
var totStep = dur/msrate, step=0;
window.timer = window.setInterval(
function() {
var start=580, d1=start-175.087, d2=624.913-start;
var prog = easeOut(step,totStep);
var y2=start-(d1*prog);
var y1=start+(d2*prog);
var d="M 1200, 800 H 0 V 0 h 1200 V 800 z M 1183.589 400 C 1037.727 400 813.41 "+y1+" 600 "+y1+" C 386.591 "+y1+" 162.274 400 16.412 400 C 162.274 400 386.591 "+y2+" 600 "+y2+" C 813.41 "+y2+" 1037.727 400 1183.589 400 z";
eye.setAttribute("d", d);
if (step > totStep) {window.clearInterval(window.timer); return}
function easeOut(step,totStep){
return (1 - Math.pow(((step/totStep)-1),8));
<rect fill="#FFF" x="10" y="10" width="1180" height="780" id="white-bg"/>
<g id="Iris">
<circle transform="translate(600, 400)" r="260" fill="#e50000" id="c-iris" onclick="changeColor(evt)" />
<circle transform="translate(600, 400)" r="130" fill="#000" id="c-pupil"/>
<g id="Gray">
<path fill="#999999" d="M138.363,397.25c0-90.911,26.295-175.674,71.671-247.127H78.419
<path fill="#999999" d="M1121.58,150.124H989.963c45.377,71.453,71.671,156.216,71.671,247.127
<clipPath id="CP"
<path id="eyehole"
d="M 1200, 800 H 0 V 0 h 1200 V 800 z
M 1183.589 400 C 1037.727 400 813.41 400.000 600 400.000 C 386.591 400.000 162.274 400 16.412 400
C 162.274 400 386.591 400.000 600 400.000 C 813.41 400.000 1037.727 400 1183.589 400 z"/>
<rect fill="#000" x="0" y="0" width="1200" height="800" id="black-cover" clip-path="url(#CP)"/>