



I have an arbitrary number of lists which I would like to process using the for macro. I want to create a function that passes a vector as the binding since the number of lists varies.

If I hard code the binding, it works as I expect:

=> (def list1 '("pink" "green"))
=> (def list2 '("dog" "cat"))
=> (for [A list1 B list2] (str A "-" B))
("pink-dog" "pink-cat" "green-dog" "green-cat")

When I try to create a vector separately and use this as the binding I hit problems. Here I manually create the bindings vector:

=> (def testvector (vec (list 'A list1 'B list2)))

this seems fine:

=> testvector
[A ("pink" "green") B ("dog" "cat")]
=> (class testvector)


=> (for testvector (str A "-" B))
#<CompilerException java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: for requires a vector for its binding (NO_SOURCE_FILE:36)>

I don't understand why testvector isn't considered a vector when used as the binding in for. Grasping at straws, I put testvector in square brackets which keeps the for macro happy (it sees a vector) but now I have a vector with one element (i.e. a vector within a vector) and this doesn't work because the binding needs to be pairs of name and collection.

=> (for [testvector] (str A "-" B))
#<CompilerException java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: for requires an even number of forms in binding vector (NO_SOURCE_FILE:37)>

Any suggestions on how to dynamically pass a vector as a binding to for would be appreciated.

+2  A: 

The key is that for is a macro. At macro-expansion time, testvector is a symbol. It will evaluate to a vector at evaluation time, but it's not a vector from the perspective of the for macro.

user=> (defmacro tst [v] (vector? v))
user=> (tst testvector)
user=> (vector? testvector)
user=> (defmacro tst2 [v] `(vector? ~v))
user=> (tst2 testvector)

If you check the source for the for macro (in core.clj), you'll see that for uses an unquoted vector? call, just like tst in the example above.

Greg Harman
Many thanks for the excellent explanation and example.
Teflon Mac