I have to write some documents that will include source code examples. Some of the examples will be written from the IDE, and others would be written in place. My examples are primarily in Java.
As someone who is used to LaTeX, doing this in Word is extremely painful. However, I am bound to Word for this. The only options I have seen are:
- Write or copy into the document, then use a fixed type font, arrange formatting and hope that Word didn't uppercase stuff for you. Needless to say, this looks like crap.
- Copy and paste screenshots of source code from the IDE. At least I keep colors. However, if I change my font size, I'm screwed. I'm also screwed across page boundaries. And let's admit it, Word is not great at managing multiple images on a document.
- Write HTML (not really an option here)
Is there some better (and ideally portable) way to do this? Is there at least some sort of verbatim style similar to the LaTeX environment? Is there at least some pretty printer that I could copy-and-paste as RTF?