I want an array of all elements that have fixed position.
This is what I've got so far (mootools code)
$$('*').filter(function(aEl){ return aEl.getStyle('position')=='fixed' });
Is there a more direct way to do this?
I want an array of all elements that have fixed position.
This is what I've got so far (mootools code)
$$('*').filter(function(aEl){ return aEl.getStyle('position')=='fixed' });
Is there a more direct way to do this?
I would suggest you to make a css class
position: fixed;
apply this class to elements that you want and then
That will give you to all the element
not really, what you posted is the best way of doing it.
but if it's something you do more often, I'd consider abstracting it to a pseudo selector:
Selectors.Pseudo.fixed = function(){
return this.getStyle("position") == "fixed";
// can now use it as a part of a normal selector:
p.s. this will break in mootools 1.3 as slick uses a different selectors engine.
to make it work in 1.3 do:
Slick.definePseudo('fixed',function() {
return this.getStyle("position") == "fixed";
and finally, to make it more versatile so you can look up any CSS property as a part of the selector, you can do something like this:
Selectors.Pseudo.style = function(key) {
var styles = key.split("=");
return styles.length == 2 && this.getStyle(styles[0]) == styles[1];
and for mootools 1.3:
Slick.definePseudo('style', function(key) {
var styles = key.split("=");
return styles.length == 2 && this.getStyle(styles[0]) == styles[1];
how to use it: