



I want an array of all elements that have fixed position.

This is what I've got so far (mootools code)

$$('*').filter(function(aEl){ return aEl.getStyle('position')=='fixed' });

Is there a more direct way to do this?


I would suggest you to make a css class

   position: fixed;

apply this class to elements that you want and then


That will give you to all the element

Dinesh Atoliya
This is true, but in my case I am working with unknown CSS and HTML, so I can't rely on the existence of such a class. (My code is for a widget that will be injected into a page.)
+3  A: 

not really, what you posted is the best way of doing it.

but if it's something you do more often, I'd consider abstracting it to a pseudo selector:

Selectors.Pseudo.fixed = function(){
    return this.getStyle("position") == "fixed";

// can now use it as a part of a normal selector:

p.s. this will break in mootools 1.3 as slick uses a different selectors engine.

to make it work in 1.3 do:

Slick.definePseudo('fixed',function() {
    return this.getStyle("position") == "fixed";

and finally, to make it more versatile so you can look up any CSS property as a part of the selector, you can do something like this: = function(key) {
    var styles = key.split("=");
    return styles.length == 2 && this.getStyle(styles[0]) == styles[1];

and for mootools 1.3:

Slick.definePseudo('style', function(key) {
    var styles = key.split("=");
    return styles.length == 2 && this.getStyle(styles[0]) == styles[1];

how to use it:


Dimitar Christoff
wow! (yadayada)
Thanks for turning me on to [Slick -- an official Mootools project]( "Mootool's Slick on GitHub")