




I use Castle Windsor which is pure awesomeness :)
I wire the system via XML but I have one little problem I wan't ask here.
I have my core system which has it's registrations, works great so far.

Then my problem arises with our customizations of the core system.
Eg. - I wan't to change one implementation for another.
- Add some interceptorns on existing services

The easiest way to do this is simply editing the xml and go, all done.
But this brings another problem, when a new version comes along
for the core system, one have to manually make sure that the customized xml
stays in sync with the new version xml and this is the ting that bothers me, when
having many customizations scattered all over the core system one can easily miss xml parts
when syncing.

Is it possible to resolve this via includes or something?


The core part of my system:

Core.Windsor.xml (version 1)

  • wire upp core services
  • etc.

Customized Core.Windsor.xml (version 1) (deployed at a customer)

  • add some interceptors
  • etc.

Now I release version 2 of the Core and it brings a new Core.Windsor.xml (new functionallity in my system). If I now wan't to upgrade my customer to the new version, I can't simply replace Core.Windsor.xml with the new version due to the fact that it contains customizations, I have to manually "move" the customizations parts to the new version of the Core.Windsor.xml, and this is something I want to avoid.