




If a repository (or collection of repositories) is served by Apache, so that the HTTP scheme is used, then an ordinary web browser may be used to view the directories and files. In addition, there are offerings such as ViewVC available to facilitate enhanced browsing.

So, for example, http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/trunk/ may be used to view the HEAD revision. Furthermore, URLs such as, http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/trunk/?p=900000 may be used to view other revisions.

If ViewVC has been set up on the server, then URLs such as http://svn.collab.net/viewvc/viewvc/trunk/ provide an enhanced browsing experience, which included support for viewing histories and differences.

Is there anything equivalent (other then TortoiseSVN on Windows) for a repository (or collection of repositories) served by svnserve, where the SVN scheme is used? ViewVC has Apache HTTP Server as a dependency. Is there a lighter-weight solution available, perhaps with only a lighter-weight web server either built in or as dependency?
