I have a Camera class that produces very large images at a high FPS that require processing by a ImageProcessor class. I also have a WPF Control, my View, that displays this information. I need each of these components needs to run on it's own thread so it doesn't lock up the processing.
Method 1) Camera has an Action<Image> ImageCreated
that ImageProcessor subscribes to. ImageProcessor has an Action<Image, Foo> ImageCreated
that contains an altered Image and Foo results for the View to show.
Method 2) Camera has a threadsafe (using locks and monitors) ProducerConsumer to which it produces Images, and ImageProcessor waits and Consumes. Same story for the View.
Method 2 is nice because I can create and manage my own threads.
Method 1 is nice because I have have multiple ImageProcessors subscribed to the Camera class. But I'm not sure who's thread is doing the heavyweight work, or if Action is wasting time creating threads. Again these images come in many times per second.
I'm trying to get the images to my View as quickly as possible, without tying up processing or causing the View to lock up.