




i would like to have an event fired in jquery, if the validators of my page change their states.

This is my usecase:

  1. In an Adressform the Validators all are hidden.
  2. If i submit the form, the get displayed.
  3. Now i want to fire a jQuery function, which renders all rows (not the inputfields, but their parents) with a red border (means add a css class)
  4. if i now change the field and the validator hides i also want to hide the border around the input's parent

i don't want to have a timer checking every 100ms the displayed validators (which would work perfectly), but i want to listen only to the show/hide events of the validators

any ideas, how i can add a listener to the change events of a validator?

regards Christoph


Have you looked into the standard jQuery validator plugin? I'm pretty sure its validators have events you can hook into in just the way you describe.

Dave Swersky
I wanted a event from the validators to jquery, not the other direction.
+1  A: 

Here is how you can call .NET validators from JavaScript:
Manually calling ASP.NET Validation with JavaScript

You could integrate the above with jQuery events or jQuery Validation.

NOTE: This solution is if you are tied to .NET Validators, otherwise just use jQuery Validation as Dave mentioned.

rick schott
as i wanted to keep the validation working i used the method from your Link (add a functzion to the buttons click event, call the Page_ClientValidate ans check the validators on the page)Thank you for the hint.