Here is the scenario. 2 web servers in two separate locations having two mysql databases with identical tables. The data within the tables is also expected to be identical in real time.
Here is the problem. if a user in either location simultaneously enters a new record into identical tables, as illustrated in the two first tables below, where the third record in each table has been entered simultaneously by the different people. The data in the tables is no longer identical. Which is the best way to maintain that the data remains identical in real time as illustrated in the third table below regardless of where the updates take place? That way in the illustrations below instead of ending up with 3 rows in each table, the new records are replicated bi-directionally and they are inserted in both tables to create 2 identical tables again with 4 columns this time?
Server A in Location A
Table Names
| ID| NAME |
| 1 | Tom |
| 2 | Scott |
| 3 | John |
Server B in Location B
Table Names
| ID| NAME |
| 1 | Tom |
| 2 | Scott |
| 3 | Peter |
Expected Scenario
Table Names
| ID| NAME |
| 1 | Tom |
| 2 | Scott |
| 3 | Peter |
| 4 | John |