




Sorry for cross-posting, but I didn't get lucky posting at the IIS forum.

We're using msdeploy (or web deploy if you wish) to package and deploy web apps. By declaring parameters package time we can provide values at deploy time (to replace connection strings among other things).

The problem we currently face is replacing values in applicationSettings sections in our web config. We can't get msdeploy to replace the value because the content we want to replace is the text inside an xml element, not an attribute value (the warning we get is: "Cannot set a value on node type 'Element'").

The relevant config looks like this:

    <setting name="someSetting" serializeAs="String">
      <value>I wanna be replaced</value>

and the declare parameter xml looks like this:

<parameter name="XX" defaultValue="default">
  <parameterEntry kind="XmlFile"
                       match="/configuration/applicationSettings/Name.Of.Assembly.Properties.Settings/setting[@name='someSetting']/value" />

Does msdeploy only support replacing attribute values or am I doing something wrong?

Best regards,

Lars Andreas