I have a BATCH script (on a Windows machine, would like this to be generalised in time), that opens and runs the following code in the background:
library (XML)
sharesID <- display(guiDlg("SciViews-R", "Please Enter Shares ID:"))
test.df <- xmlToDataFrame(sharesID)
sapply(test.df, class)
test.df$timeStamp <- strptime(as.character(test.df$timeStamp), "%H:%M:%OS")
test.df$Price <- as.numeric(as.character(test.df$Price))
sapply(test.df, class)
summary (test.df)
with(test.df, plot(timeStamp, Price))
sd (test.df$Price)
test.df$timeStamp <- test.df[1,"timeStamp"] + cumsum(runif(7)*60)
Price <- summary(test.df$Price)
print (Price)
When it gets to the sharesID <- display(guiDlg("SciViews-R", "Please Enter Shares ID:")) It brings up a dialogue box asking the user to Enter Shares ID. At present you have to use the full path of the file you want the rest of the code to execute on. Is there a way that you can enter a file number from a list of files kept in a database or such.
The other question I have is that it generates a pdf file of the both plots only. While I like this is there a way to specify the output type and location (ie as a graph on a webpage).
I want to include a print out of the summary of Price in the output but this is not achieved using the above commands.