I'm pre-compiling a C program containing Pro*C code with ORACLE 10.2 and AIX 5.2
The ORACLE precompiler reads the $ORACLE_HOME/precomp/admin/pcscfg.cfg file which contains the definition of the sys_include variable (set to /usr/include)
The Pro*C compiler complains that it doesn't know what the size_t type is and the ORACLE header files that use the size_t type are reporting errors
Here's an example error being reported on the sqlcpr.h file :
extern void sqlglm( char*, size_t*, size_t* );
PCC-S-02201, Encountered the symbol "size_t" when expecting one of the following
size_t is defined in the stdio.h header file in the /usr/include directory. I'm including the stdio.h header in my example.pc file before I include the sqlcpr.h header.
I'm issuing the proc command as follows:
proc iname=example parse=full
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong ?