Hi guys,
I got a vertical testimonials belt and i have this method that animates its top
value with a calculated value (depending on the height of the current testimonial) every few seconds.
Now when a user hovers over it, it stops right away (via .stop()
and also the interval is cleared via clearInterval(idOfinterval)
But i still want to know how much more pixels it had left to animate before it suddenly got halted.
So i looked up in the documentation and i see that there is a step
method that has a callback and can give me information on each(?) step of the animation.
see part of the code
//in middle of a object literal
animAmmount = someCalculation;
//here i am trying to get how much px it has moved so far
currTopVal = step;
console.log("currTopVal", currTopVal);
// i get some numbers, and i have no idea from where it got them
So my main questions are