ProfK - I think (as you'll no doubt be aware) you'll have to parse that json result in javascript once you get into your index view via the redirect. the jquery .getJson() method would seem most appropriate:
Also, as you're doing a RedirectToAction, then the context of the ViewData will be lost. In that case, you want to use TempData as a drop in replacement. Below is an example of what you could try:
[edit] - not sure if this would work:
// in the controller
TempData["Notifications"] = js.Serialize(...);
// in the index view
function getMyJsondata() {
var json = $.getJson('<%=ViewContext.TempData["Notifications"] %>');
or as per your amendment to the question, try this:
// alternative in index view
eval("(" + "<%= TempData['Notifications']%>" + ")");
give it a go...
to quote from a previous SO question on Tempdata vs ViewData:
TempData is used to share data between
controller actions. If your controller
does a RedirectToAction and the target
action needs data (perhaps a
particular model instance) to act
upon, you can store this data in
TempData. Using TempData is similar to
storing it in the session, but only
for one round-trip. You use TempData
when you need to pass data to another
controller action rather than a view
for rendering.