



As of recently there is a express edition of the IIS 7. It is bundled with this crazy new tool Web Matrix (

A real IIS instead of the development server in Visual Studio would have many advantages.

Does anybody know, if this IIS edition can be separately downloaded ?

Can it be installed on Windows XP (Professional) ? If yes, are there conflicts with the old IIS 5.1 on XP ?

Can it be integrated in Visual Studio (2008, 2010)?

+4  A: 
  • It will be released for download separately to the WebMatrix but as of yet it is only available as part of the WebMatrix bundle

  • It can be used on XP SP3, it will not conflict with 5.1 as it runs as a self contained instance

  • Yes, it can be integrated with VS2010 (you can tell VS to use IIS7 Express rather than Cassini)

Some useful links -
