Hi,i am new to OpenCms i want to know how to integrate an java web application with OpenCms contents.Is It Possible to integrate Java Application with OpenCms?
Yes, it's possible. For example you can integrate SpringMVC or Struts into OpenCms, or other tools like JForum, an open source java forum, which also supports single-sign-on (SSO).
You can find information here: http://opencms-wiki.org/Integration_HOWTOs and a Spring/OpenCms sample project here: http://www.sysvision.de/en/expertise/cms/solutions/opencms_spring_integration.html
Since OpenCms is open source and based on Java EE standards, you are pretty free.
Mathias Lin
2010-07-16 14:56:39
Thanks ,Mathias
2010-07-19 04:52:21