I have winforms application in my company to deploy applications in several environments (Development, PreProduction, Production).
Now, I want to include a new functionality:
I need to deploy SQL Server scripts in environments: development, preproduction and production.
My application will run directly in these environments. I do not want to install Visual Studio in such environments. People with responsibility for the execution of the application and deployment do not know Visual Studio.
We need, also required is a good detailed error handling, of the execution of the sql scripts.
Therefore, I need source code or libraries, API, etctera, that I can use as references in my project csproj. The ultimate goal is to deploy scripts sql server 2005
Please, any sample source code, APIs, tools, ideas , I ask for help gurus, MVPs, anyone...
UPDATE: the environments are machines with Windows 2003, IIS 6.0.
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