



I have taken over the development of a site, which is 50% complete.

The previous developer has been using Mootools for a few functions thus far, I am far more proficient in jquery (i.e. have no knowledge of Mootools), and so wish to include the jquery library and use jquery from here on in.

Can anyone offer any links, guidelines or advice regarding this situation?

EDIT: I cannot remove the mootools functions completely, they need to coexist.

+2  A: 

Actually the only conflict that may arise is the use of $ by both libs. Both jquery and mootools have a no-conflict setting, which helps to get around this problem. See mootools' Dollar Safe Mode and JQuery's noConflict()

Technically you only need one of the two solutions and using JQuery's noConflict() has the advantage that JQuery itself is already better isolated. Mootools extends many Natives and defines many global functions that other plugins may depend on.

Here is the JQuery document that explains how to use noConfict().

fantastic. thanks very much
Ashley Ward