I'm currently designing a website that would involve storing a long list of names (with no additional data) on the server and then outputting them to the client browser on request.
To store these names I obviously would need a data storage method of some sort and I was just wondering, as the entire site is coded in javascript/jquery, if there was a secure way to store these names and then output them using javascript?
I wish to avoid the PHP/MySQL route for server load reasons so I was thinking if the easiest thing to do would be to store the names in a plain text file on the server, then use AJAX to read the names and output them, but I don't know how secure that is to unauthorised changes. Please give me your thoughts on this method.
Another way would be to use the TaffyDB library, please give me your thoughts on that also.
I don't really care about unauthorised viewing of the data as they can see all of it anyway on the site, just unauthorised changes.