When saving an entity using Spring Forms and Hibernate I use the following controller method (simplified) to do that.
@RequestMapping(value="/speichern", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public void saveEvent(final @ModelAttribute("__eventData") MDKEvent p_event) {
} // saveEvent
When I try to edit it using the same method I get an "deteched entity" exception:
javax.persistence.PersistenceException: org.hibernate.PersistentObjectException: detached entity passed to persist: some.package.Entity
at org.hibernate.ejb.AbstractEntityManagerImpl.convert(AbstractEntityManagerImpl.java:1235)
at org.hibernate.ejb.AbstractEntityManagerImpl.convert(AbstractEntityManagerImpl.java:1168)
at org.hibernate.ejb.AbstractEntityManagerImpl.convert(AbstractEntityManagerImpl.java:1174)
It seams that the entity is in unmanaged state after submitting the form (which makes sense). How could I save the updated entity anyway? What is the correct way for doing this?
I'm using Spring 3 and Hibernate 3.5.