<asp:datapager id="pagerTop" runat="server" pagesize="5" pagedcontrolid="ListView1">
<asp:nextpreviouspagerfield buttoncssclass="paging-previous" previouspagetext="<" buttontype="Link" showpreviouspagebutton="True" shownextpagebutton="False" ShowFirstPageButton="true" />
<asp:numericpagerfield buttontype="Link" nextpagetext="VOLGENDE" previouspagetext="VORIGE" CurrentPageLabelCssClass="pagerActivepage" rendernonbreakingspacesbetweencontrols="true" />
<asp:nextpreviouspagerfield buttoncssclass="paging-next" nextpagetext=">" buttontype="Link" showpreviouspagebutton="False" shownextpagebutton="True" ShowLastPageButton="true" />
I am using an asp:datapager but i see that it's producing javascript on the links. Is it possible to have this javascript replaced my my own code somehow? We are working on a website that requires the website to be 'drempelvrij' and this means we can't have links that won't work with javascript disabled.
I want to know how i will be able to set the url options of the different links through my code behind if it's possible.