



I have been a developer for 10 years now. About 80% - 90% of that has been working on a green-screen in IBM's RPG. Previously, I have had some exposure to Java, and in my current job I help out our web developer with small projects in C#.NET and now with some MVC. I have also played with PHP some.

I want to play more with some of this stuff at home, but I don't have a Windows host to publish stuff to. I do have a linux host though. Where would it be best to focus my attention for learning? I want something more similar to the structure of ASP.NET MVC so I learn more about OOP beyond the basics I already understand. I have heard and read the both Python and Ruby are good choices. What would you recommend and why? Also, is there a free or low-cost IDE that aides in that choice? What is more marketable?

To clear up a question, I want to focus on the web development. I believe that the OOP concepts that I need to learn will come with it.

+2  A: 

If you decide to go the Python or Ruby route (I would personally recommend either of those) - JetBrains has excellent IDEs RubyMine and PyCharm. These are not free IDEs, however, they both have an Early Access program that will allow you to use them for free, as long as you use the latest build. I've been using PyCharm for about 7 months for free and it has been excellent.

Python and Ruby are both excellent object oriented languages, but are dynamic, so it will be a bit different than C#. Django and Rails are both great MVC web frameworks for those languages (respectively). If you're looking for something that may be a bit closer to C# and .NET, Java and Spring MVC could potentially be a good option.

Matthew J Morrison

To learn oop You could try to explore java: if you want to find something which uses the same concepts of .NET you could learn Spring.

Eclipse is a free java IDE (in my humble opinion the best). If you decide to learn Spring you cuold download the Spring Tools Suite, a set of tools based on eclipse that support the main spring features.

I use an Eclipse-based IDE now for my RPG development so I am used to their way of thinking.
Mike Wills