




I would like to be able to test whether a variable is defined, prior to accessing it.

I like to have a global that specifies a "debug level". If debug level is 0, no extra output is given. When greater than 1, debug output is given, with more verbosity at greater numbers.

I also would like to set it up so that the procedures would run, and assume a level 0, if I had not gotten around to defining it. Something like: (where defined? is the magic I don't know how to do?

(if (and (defined? debug-level) (> debug-level 1))
    (diplay "Some debugging info"))

I have looked through the summary of forms in The Scheme Programming Language, 4th Edition. The only one that I saw as a possibility was identifier?. It did not work.

I'm using SISC 1.16.6 (claims R5RS compliance) and Chez Petite Scheme v8 (claims R6RS compliance)

EDIT I tried wrapping eval with a guard like:

(guard (x (else #f)) (eval 'debug-level))

Since 'debug-level is quoted it can be evaluated and passed to eval. Then when eval tries to evaluate it, an error would happen, which I hoped guard would catch. It didn't.

EDIT 2 I realized that I wanted to wrap the debug tracing into a seperate procedure and that the file that defines that procedure can also define debug-level with a default of 0. The reasons for using a seperate procedure are to lower the number of lines in the procedures that do work and also to allow the redirection of debug output if needed.

+1  A: 

To back up a bit, the problem with a defined? function is that if you write

(defined? debug-level)

Scheme will attempt to evaluate debug-level, which of course is an error since it is not defined. Such a form would have to be implemented internally by the compiler/interpreter as a special case.

Such a special form is not part of the R5RS standard (unless I missed it, please double-check). So with regard to R5RS schemes you are out of luck unless you find a Scheme that implements this as a non-standard extension.

Justin Ethier
I was not asking for a function `defined?` because, as you say, a function would not work. But a function would not work for `if` either, and yet scheme has `if`. In other workds, looking for a special form, or other way of achieving the results. (Macro maybe?)
Shannon Severance
Sure. What I was trying to say is that this would have to be one of the built-in forms that the language provides, such as `if`, and the spec (R5RS at least) does not seem to include one.
Justin Ethier
+2  A: 

This is totally up to the implementation to provide, and it looks like most implementations don't satisfactorily provide it.

In SISC scheme, it looks like you can use GETPROP to this effect, but environments don't update automatically oh, look, there's this thing called INTERACTION-ENVIRONMENT that you can use:

#;> (getprop 'cons (interaction-environment))
#<native procedure cons>
#;> (getprop 'x (interaction-environment))
#;> (define x 100)
#;> (getprop 'x (interaction-environment))

But it only works on the top level.

#;> (define (foo y)
  (let ((e (interaction-environment)))
    (display "Is X bound? ") (display (getprop 'x e))
    (display "Is Y bound? ") (display (getprop 'y e))
    (newline) ))
#;> (foo 1)
#;> Is X bound? 100
Is Y bound? #f


Cirno de Bergerac
Thank you. I was afraid the answer would not be widely portable, that it would be either something new in R6RS or implementation specific. +1, but I'm going to let this answer age a bit, to see if any better ideas get posted before accepting as correct.
Shannon Severance
+1  A: 

Clunky but workable solution for R5RS. Use the often neglect/forgotten ability of let-syntax to redefine keywords. this is clunky because your whole file is wrapped in a let-syntax and because it adds some overhead to each define. I use a associative list to remember definitions, a hash table would be a beter choice.

(define define-list '())
(define define-list-add 
  (lambda (key value)
    (set! define-list (cons `(,key ,value) define-list))))

(let-syntax (
             (define (syntax-rules ()
                       ((_ (pro-name args ...) body ...) 
                          (define (pro-name args ...) body ...)
                          (define-list-add pro-name  '((pro-name args ...) body ...))))
                       ((_ pro-name pro) (begin
                                           (define pro-name pro)
                                           (define-list-add 'pro-name 'pro)))

               (syntax-rules ()
                 ((_ sym) (begin (if (assoc (quote sym) define-list) #t #f)))))
  (define y (lambda () x))

  (display (defined? y))
  (display (defined? x))



Below in racket: a module is used to redefine define to store each symbol and definition in a list called define-list. The macro defined? looks in this list to see if weather or not the symbol has been defined.

(module qdefine mzscheme
  (provide ;(all-from-except mzscheme let)
   (rename define olddefine)
   (rename quote-define define)

  (define define-list '())
  (define define-list-add 
    (lambda (key value)
      (set! define-list (cons `(,key ,value) define-list))))

  (define-syntax quote-define
    (syntax-rules ()
      ((_ (pro-name args ...) body ...) 
         (define (pro-name args ...) body ...)
         (define-list-add pro-name  '((pro-name args ...) body ...))))
      ((_ pro-name pro) (begin
                          (define pro-name pro)
                          (define-list-add 'pro-name 'pro)))


  (define-syntax defined?
    (syntax-rules ()
      ((_ sym) (begin (if (assoc (quote sym) define-list) #t #f)))))
(require 'qdefine)

(define y (lambda () x))

(defined? y)
(defined? x)

In guile it is just defined? apparently: http://www.delorie.com/gnu/docs/guile/guile_289.html

Racket does have the reflection tools to do something like this, but such things (including `interaction-environment`, whatever Guile does, etc) are always shaky kind of solutions, which suffer one way or another.
Eli Barzilay
+1 for the portable solution.
Shannon Severance