




If you use ASP.NET MVC 2's templates to render a DropDownList, how would you access the list of options if they are stored in the top level View's Also, is there some [DataAnnotation] way to associate this list? Links to examples would be very helpful.


In ASP.NET MVC 2, you can create a custom class like StateName and use an EditorTemplate called StateName.ascx, which will display that partial view anytime it finds a StateName property. Brad Wilson has a great write-up here describing it. These partial view templates can be nested so that each template only deals with it's own scope (matching the template's scope to the matching POCO's properties).


Now imagine that the StateName.ascx renders a DropDownList and needs the list of possible states ([{"AL","Alabama"},{"PA","Pennsylvania"},...]). Generally, the top level View Model has all we need to render both the DomainModel (like our ShoppingCart), and any miscellaneous data like lists for drop downs.


So, the question is how does a partial view template StateName.ascx reference the non-partial top level view's Model property IList<StateName> States to populate the DDL in the partial view template? (especially if you have several nested or deep dive renderings like Model.Customer[0].BillingAddress.State, the template's parent view may not be the top level view).

Another angle may be to put some sort of [Data Annotation] on the class property that associates this list of possible states to the partial view template's Model?

For example, here's the top level View's Model:

Model.StateNames;         // IList<StateName>
Model.MaritalStatusNames; // IList<MaritalStatus>
Model.GenderNames;        // IList<Gender>

Furthermore we could make all DDL data lists in one property, like Model.DDLs.StateNames, Model.DDLs.GenderNames, etc.?

+1  A: 

I think the short answer is that the partial template cannot access the parent's entire Model because it only receives the sub-model that it's meant to work with.

In your case (i.e. global lists of things that don't change) you could always declare your list in a static property on some helper object so that you don't need a model instance to be able to access it. For example your Address object could have a static list of all states.
