




I'm trying to make some of my setup scripts more readable and less prone to error. Here's the type of code I have now in my SQLCMD scripts, which I run from management studio:

!!bcp "select * from Database1..Table1 where CreateDate > '7/11/2010'" queryout C:\junk\ -n  -SServerName1 -UTestUser -PTestPassword
!!bcp "select * from Database1..Table2 where CreateDate > '7/11/2010'" queryout C:\junk\ -n  -SServerName1 -UTestUser -PTestPassword

Instad of needing to hardcode the date in each statement, I'd like to be able to do something like this:

declare @Date1 datetime
select  @Date1 =  '7/11/2010'

!!bcp "select * from Database1..Table1 where CreateDate > @Date1" queryout C:\junk\BCPData\ -n  -SServerName1 -UTestUser -PTestPassword
!!bcp "select * from Database1..Table2 where CreateDate > @Date1" queryout C:\junk\BCPData\ -n  -SServerName1 -UTestUser -PTestPassword

Notice that in the second set of code, the date is no longer hardcoded.

Is there a way to do this, or are there good alternatives?

thanks for any ideas! Sylvia


I'm sure you can't do this with DECLAREd SQL variables, however check out this link for guidance on using scripting variables within SQLCMD - which I would expect to apply to SQLCMD mode as well.

Will A

Does this work? (Bit of a guess based on here)

:setvar date "7/11/2010"
!!bcp "select * from Database1..Table1 where CreateDate > '$(date)'" queryout C:\junk\ -n  -SServerName1 -UTestUser -PTestPassword
!!bcp "select * from Database1..Table2 where CreateDate > '$(date)'" queryout C:\junk\ -n  -SServerName1 -UTestUser -PTestPassword


Yep. The following works for me

:setvar date "07/07/2008"
!!bcp "select * from master.sys.objects where Create_Date > '$(date)'" queryout C:\ -n  -S(local) -T
Martin Smith
Thanks Martin! This will make some of my scripts quite a bit more straightforward.