+1  A: 

I would use Apache Solr. Use the Data Import Handler to define an SQL query that joins all your tables together, create a fulltext index from the result of joined data.

The columns named as args to MATCH() must be the column(s) you defined for the index, in the same order you defined in the index. But you can't define any index (fulltext or otherwise) across multiple tables in MySQL.

So you can't do this:

WHERE MATCH (g.title, a.title, a.artist, t.title) AGAINST ('beatles')

It doesn't matter whether you're using boolean mode or natural language mode.

You need to do this:

WHERE MATCH (g.title) AGAINST ('beatles')
   OR MATCH (a.title, a.artist) AGAINST ('beatles')
   OR MATCH (t.title) AGAINST ('beatles')

You may also be interested in my presentation Practical Full-Text Search in MySQL.

Bill Karwin

Define a fulltext index on the four columns you like to search and then do:

SELECT * FROM genre AS g
  LEFT JOIN album AS a ON g.id = a.genre_id
  LEFT JOIN tracks AS t ON a.id = t.album_id
  WHERE MATCH (g.title,  a.title, a.artist, t.title) AGAINST ('searchstring');

The resullt will be sorted by relevancy. See here for more details on fulltext search: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/fulltext-natural-language.html

Problem is, the OP wants partial matching. Wildcards work but only for characters following the searchstring. You can't apply the wildcard * to the start of the searchstring
Brendan Bullen
I think the only way of doing an exact match first and then a LIKE * abc * match in MySQL is to use two queries.The Fulltext solution, I think, is the closest you can get in only one query.
This works, though it has to be in boolean mode. My modified query is: `SELECT * FROM Genre AS g LEFT JOIN Album AS a ON g.id = a.genre_id LEFT JOIN Track AS t ON a.id = t.album_id WHERE MATCH (g.title, a.title, a.artist, t.title) AGAINST ('beatles' IN BOOLEAN MODE)`When I run the query without `IN BOOLEAN MODE`, I get a `#1210 - Incorrect arguments to MATCH` error.
Eric Freese
Yes, got the same error.It will work without BOOLEAN MODE, if you split the 4 MATCH arguments like this:SELECT * FROM Genre AS g LEFT JOIN Album AS a ON g.id = a.genre_id LEFT JOIN Track AS t ON a.id = t.album_id WHERE MATCH (g.title) AGAINST ('beatles') + MATCH (a.title, a.artist) AGAINST ('beatles') + MATCH (t.title) AGAINST ('beatles')Though I get an empty result then and I can't figgure out why atm.
You're probably getting an empty result because you're using natural language mode and your search criterion matches >50% of the rows. Natural language mode won't return rows in that case.
Bill Karwin

I would use something like Sphinx, u can make an index out of your query and then query that. It's a little difficult to get your head around but the results are 10 times better than mysql AGAINST and you won't have problems later on with speed.

Richard Housham