




We're a team of 2 persons (a programmer and a designer) working on a rather big project, actually several projects of varying complexity. I'd like to know if there are any particulary good project management tools to help us in our task. The requirements would be :

  • Easy to use. We don't want spending too much time learning how it works. Something straightforward would be cool.
  • Platform agnostic.
  • Not web-based as we don't want to rely on an internet connection to get things done. The absolute perfect thing would be some app that would work offline and then syncs everything when we're online.

I hope such app exists, even if it's not free, we're willink to make an investment if its worth it.

Thank you :)


For two people, I think that software tools would be overkill. There are times when tools just get in the way of getting the job done, and I think that this is one of those times.

I would suggest using spreadsheets and word processors for time and task tracking and email (with appropriate tagging or foldering) for communication. If you are in the same place, whiteboards (or large pieces of Plexiglass) would would nicely.

Thomas Owens
We're 2 people but the projects (5) are rather big. Using just spreadsheets would quickly become ugly as we need to keep a very clear overview on what have been done, what needs to be done, time estimates, etc ...
If you use a spreadsheet with certain formatting guidelines, it can be made to work well. There are some project management templates out there if you search around.
Thomas Owens
I've often seen spreadsheets used where they really shouldn't be, but if you're not using the resource management capabilities of MSProject then it's really not much more than a glorified spreadsheet.
+1  A: 

I suggest you try Microsoft project , based on what your saying it should fit your needs. I use it for my projects and a company that I work for uses it too.

soran awla
Thanks, i'll have a look at it
+1  A: 

I agree that setting up a Project Management System is probably overkill. Microsoft Project is a good solution. But there is also another solution that you might want to think about and that is to use Outlook. You can here use the Todo's and then sync them. Another solution that can be good, but then brings a little more costs, is to use an installed version of a web Project Management System(like for example VisionProject, @Task, or so). You then have it installed on your own server that can be in the same premises. The problem that you have here is that they don't support that you are away, entering tasks or work on tasks and then come back and synchronize.
