



UPDATE: Okay this question becomes potentially very straightforward.

q <- mapM return [1..]

Why does this never return?

Does mapM not lazily deal with infinite lists?

The code below hangs. However, if I replace line A by line B, it doesn't hang anymore. Alternatively, if I preceed line A by a "splitRandom $", it also doesn't hang.

Q1 is: Is mapM not lazy? Otherwise, why does replacing line A with line B "fix this" code?

Q2 is: Why does preceeding line A with splitRandom "solve" the problem?

import Control.Monad.Random
import Control.Applicative

f :: (RandomGen g) => Rand g (Double, [Double])
f = do
    b <- splitRandom $ sequence $ repeat $ getRandom
    c <- mapM return b -- A
    -- let c = map id b -- B
    a <- getRandom
    return (a, c)

splitRandom :: (RandomGen g) => Rand g a -> Rand g a
splitRandom code = evalRand code <$> getSplit

t0 = do
    (a, b) <- evalRand f <$> newStdGen
    print  a
    print (take 3 b)

The code generates an infinite list of random numbers lazily. Then it generates a single random number. By using splitRandom, I can evaluate this latter random number first before the infinite list. This can be demonstrated if I return b instead of c in the function.

However, if I apply the mapM to the list, the program now hangs. To prevent this hanging, I have to apply splitRandom again before the mapM. I was under the impression that mapM can lazily

+9  A: 

Well, there's lazy, and then there's lazy. mapM is indeed lazy in that it doesn't do more work than it has to. However, look at the type signature:

mapM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m [b]

Think about what this means: You give it a function a -> m b and a bunch of as. A regular map can turn those into a bunch of m bs, but not an m [b]. The only way to combine the bs into a single [b] without the monad getting in the way is to use >>= to sequence the m bs together to construct the list.

In fact, mapM is precisely equivalent to sequence . map.

In general, for any monadic expression, if the value is used at all, the entire chain of >>=s leading to the expression must be forced, so applying sequence to an infinite list can't ever finish.

If you want to work with an unbounded monadic sequence, you'll either need explicit flow control--e.g., a loop termination condition baked into the chain of binds somehow, which simple recursive functions like mapM and sequence don't provide--or a step-by-step sequence, something like this:

data Stream m a = Nil | Stream a (m (Stream m a)) that you only force as many monad layers as necessary.

Edit:: Regarding splitRandom, what's going on there is that you're passing it a Rand computation, evaluating that with the seed splitRandom gets, then returning the result. Without the splitRandom, the seed used by the single getRandom has to come from the final result of sequencing the infinite list, hence it hangs. With the extra splitRandom, the seed used only needs to thread though the two splitRandom calls, so it works. The final list of random numbers works because you've left the Rand monad at that point and nothing depends on its final state.

But this doesn't explain why preceeding the line with splitRandom solves the problem. Also, note that splitRandom actually splits the random seed into two and uses one of them to generate the infinite list, so there shouldn't be a dependency there.
@qrest: Added an extra note--does that help?
@camccann: No it's doesn't. Here's my reasoning. I need to consume one seed to generate the infinite list. Hence, I split the seed and used it in "splitRandom $ sequence $ repeat $ getRandom". NOTE: This is a monadic expression and it did not evaluate fully! Note also I purposefully got a random number for "a" AFTER the infinite list, proving that the seeds are not dependent. And the Rand monad does not use the seed unless a random number is generated so no seed dependency should exist. So is "return" the one actually forcing the evaluation?
@qrest: `Rand` is just a specialized `State` monad, so even if no random number is generated it has to thread the RNG seed through every function chained together with `(>>=)`. Whether or not you actually *use* the state doesn't matter. The *value* of the seed can be evaluated lazily, but the monadic expressions themselves are strictly sequenced, which is why `mapM` has to traverse the entire list. `splitRandom` changes the behavior because it runs a separate monadic computation instead of sequencing it in directly.
I think you understand the situation, but I don't yet. Why is it if I remove `c` altogether and just return `(a, b)`, it is able to function properly?
@qrest: Anything on the right of a `<-` in a `do` block gets sequenced in as part of the monadic expression. So `b` works fine because the only thing sequenced in is `splitRandom`, while `c` doesn't because it tries to sequence in a traversal of an infinite list. I'm not sure how else to explain it--the `do` notation is nice, but it's *really* obscuring the control flow in this case. If you're still puzzled, I'll write up an explicit demonstration later this evening showing the underlying logic behind the monad and the difference between `b` and `c`.
+1  A: 

Here's an attempt at a proof that mapM return [1..] doesn't terminate. Let's assume for the moment that we're in the Identity monad (the argument will apply to any other monad just as well):

mapM return [1..] -- initial expression
sequence (map return [1 ..]) -- unfold mapM
let k m m' = m >>= \x ->
             m' >>= \xs ->
             return (x : xs)
in foldr k (return []) (map return [1..]) -- unfold sequence

So far so good. But note that sequence invokes a foldr, which will work from the back of the list. This is already your sign that something is going to go wrong...

-- unfold foldr
let k m m' = m >>= \x ->
             m' >>= \xs ->
             return (x : xs)
    go [] = return []
    go (y:ys) = k y (go ys)
in go (map return [1..])

-- unfold map so we have enough of a list to pattern-match go:
go (return 1 : map return [2..])
-- unfold go:
k (return 1) (go (map return [2..])
-- unfold k:
(return 1) >>= \x -> go (map return [2..]) >>= \xs -> return (x:xs)

Recall that return a = Identity a in the Identity monad, and (Identity a) >>= f = f a in the Identity monad. Continuing:

-- unfold >>= :
(\x -> go (map return [2..]) >>= \xs -> return (x:xs)) 1
-- apply 1 to \x -> ... :
go (map return [2..]) >>= \xs -> return (1:xs)
-- unfold >>= :
(\xs -> return (1:xs)) (go (map return [2..]))

Note that at this point we'd love to apply to \xs, but we can't yet! We have to instead continue unfolding until we have a value to apply:

-- unfold map for go:
(\xs -> return (1:xs)) (go (return 2 : map return [3..]))
-- unfold go:
(\xs -> return (1:xs)) (k (return 2) (go (map return [3..])))
-- unfold k:
(\xs -> return (1:xs)) ((return 2) >>= \x2 ->
                         (go (map return [3..])) >>= \xs2 ->
                         return (x2:xs2))
-- unfold >>= :
(\xs -> return (1:xs)) ((\x2 -> (go (map return [3...])) >>= \xs2 ->
                        return (x2:xs2)) 2)

At this point, we still can't apply to \xs, but we can apply to \x2. Continuing:

-- apply 2 to \x2 :
(\xs -> return (1:xs)) ((go (map return [3...])) >>= \xs2 ->
                         return (2:xs2))
-- unfold >>= :
(\xs -> return (1:xs)) (\xs2 -> return (2:xs2)) (go (map return [3..]))

Now we've gotten to a point where neither \xs nor \xs2 can be reduced yet! Our only choice is:

-- unfold map for go, and so on...
(\xs -> return (1:xs))
  (\xs2 -> return (2:xs2))
    (go ((return 3) : (map return [4..])))

So you can see that, because of foldr, we're building up a series of functions to apply, starting from the end of the list and working our way back up. Because at each step the input list is infinite, this computation will never terminate.

This makes sense if you look at this example (borrowed from another StackOverflow thread, I can't find which one at the moment). In the following list of monads:

mebs = [Just 3, Just 4, Nothing]

we would expect sequence to catch the Nothing and return a failure for the whole thing:

sequence mebs = Nothing

However, for this list:

mebs2 = [Just 3, Just 4]

we would expect sequence to give us:

sequence mebs = Just [3, 4]

In other words, sequence has to see the whole list of monadic computations, string them together, and run them all in order to come up with the right answer. There's no way sequence can give an answer without seeing the whole list.

Owen S.